Setting up Email Integration

To start receiving your emails in the Breezeflow Omnichannel, you would need to connect your email account to the platform.

  1. Sign in to your Breezeflow account

  2. Click “Set up unified inbox”. Or navigate to the Settings section.

  3. Select Email from the list of channels

  4. Click the Connect Email button

  5. You will be prompted to choose your email service provider.

  6. Enter the email address you want to connect to the Omnichannel and click continue.

  7. A forwarding address would be generated, copy the forwarding address.

  8. Navigate to your email account to setup email forwarding.

Email Forwarding Guide


After completing the email forwarding configuration on Gmail, a confirmation email will be sent into your breezeflow unified email inbox. Click the confirmation link to complete the setup. Kindly go back to Gmail forwarding settings and set the breezeflow forwarding address as the default forwarding email address.

Connect Outlook

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